Tentative Schedule of Lectures: EECS 219A, Fall 2011
August 2011
2011/08/29 (Mon):
- 1-2:30: Class syllabus and logistics (grading/HWs/midterm/final). Introduction. Modelling basic circuit elements: linear resistor, capacitor, inductor.
2011/08/31 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Modelling basic circuit elements (contd.): controlled sources, independent sources. Linearity and memorylessness. Nonlinear devices: diode, BJT, MOS (Schichman-Hodges) models. Glimpse of BSIM model. Nonlinear capacitors and inductors. Derivatives, continuity concepts.
September 2011
2011/09/05 (Mon): NO CLASS (academic holiday).
2011/09/07 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Modelling ckt elements (contd.): Smoothing nonsmooth functions. Domain and finite-precision issues. Memristors.
- 1-2:30: Circuit equation formulations: sparse tableau, nodal analysis and modified nodal analysis by example.
2011/09/14 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Standard DAE form. KVL and KCL using incidence matrices. Formulating Sparse Tableau, NA and MNA in general.
- 1-2:30: DAEAPI introduction and demo.
2011/09/21 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: SPICE netlist syntax; parsing and equation setup. Mechanical equation system example. Quiescent steady state algorithms and NR. Quadratic convergence of NR.
- 1-2:30: Quadratic/linear convergence of NR (contd.). Convergence criteria: deltax and residual, reltol-abstol. NR failure: ))Vsrc-R-diode(( example.
2011/09/28 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Limiting and initialization. Jacobian sparsity. Numerical solution of linear equation systems. Gaussian Elimination. LU factorization.
October 2011
2011/10/03 (Mon):
- 1-2:30: LU factorization (contd). Algebra of GE and LU.
2011/10/05 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Matrix conditioning. LU error propapation. Simple iterative techniques for linear solution. Basic data structures for sparse matrices; sparse matrix packages. Biochemical reaction pathways. Rate equations, conservation, equilibrium for unimolecular reactions.
- 1-2:30: Eigenanalysis of unimolecular reactions. Bimolecular reactions. Conservation.
2011/10/12 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Rate equations for multi-molecular reactions. Stoichiometry. Enzyme-catalyzed reactions and their ))Michaelis-Menten(( approximations. Using SVDs to identify conservation laws of reaction chains.
- 1-2:30: Numerical solution of ODEs. Existence and uniqueness conditions. FE, BE and TRAP methods. LMS methods.
2011/10/19 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Existence and uniqueness conditions (contd.). FE, BE and TRAP methods. LMS methods. Adapting LMS methods for solving DAEs.
- 1-2:30: FE, BE and TRAP on DAEs (contd.). Stability of FE, BE and TRAP. Stiff systems and the need for "large timesteps".
2011/10/26 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: MIDTERM exam. Midterm solution/discussion.
- 1-2:30: Small-timestep errors of FE, BE and TRAP. Accuracy and truncation error. Higher-order LMS methods. Starting higher-order LMS methods.
November 2011
2011/11/02 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Exactness constraints for LMS methods. Highest-accuracy p=2 LMS method. Stability of general LMS methods. The stability polynomial. Best p=2 method unstable for any h>0. Large-sigma behaviour of the trapezoidal method; TRAP and DAEs. Notions of timestep control.
- 1-2:30: Periodic steady state analysis of LTI systems. Linearization about quiescent steady states. Small-signal sinusoidal (SSS, aka "AC") analysis.
2011/11/09 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: LTI transfer functions from DAEs. Eigenanalysis of transfer functions.
- 1-2:30: Parameter sensitivity analysis around quiescent steady states. Direct and adjoint sensitivity computation.
2011/11/16 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: Probability, random variables: primer. Stochastic processes primer. Stationarity. Ergodicity. Autocorrelation Functions. Power Spectral Density.
- 1-2:30: Stochastic processes primer contd.: ())Wiener-Khinchine(( theorem.). Propagation of stationary noise through LTI systems.
2011/11/23 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: White and coloured noise. Thermal, shot and flicker noise. Vector stochastic processes. Stationary noise computation for LTI systems: direct and adjoint methods.
- 1-2:30: Stochastic modelling of biochemical systems. Basic reactions and their propensities. State probabilities. The Chemical Master Equation.
2011/11/30 (Wed):
- 1-2:30 and 4-5: CME for ))Michaelis-Menten(( example. Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm.{GROUP(groups=jr|Anonymous|Registered|219Afall2011)}
2011/12/11 (Sunday): FINAL EXAM Exam Group 12 (3-6 pm); 299 Cory.