
Tentative Schedule of Lectures: EECS 219A, Fall 2012

August 2012

2012/08/27 (Mon):

2012/08/29 (Wed):
September 2012

2012/09/03 (Mon): NO CLASS (academic holiday - Memorial Day).

2012/09/05 (Wed):
2012/09/10 (Mon):
  • 1-2:30: Circuit equation formulations: nodal analysis and modified nodal analysis by example. Standard DAE form. KVL and KCL using incidence matrices. Formulating Sparse Tableau, NA in general.

2012/09/12 (Wed):
2012/09/17 (Mon):

2012/09/19 (Wed):
2012/09/24 (Mon):

2012/09/26 (Wed):
October 2012

2012/10/01 (Mon):

2012/10/03 (Wed):
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: Basic data structures for sparse matrices; sparse matrix packages. Biochemical reaction pathways. Rate equations, conservation, equilibrium for unimolecular reactions. Eigenanalysis of unimolecular reactions. Bimolecular reactions. Rate equations for multi-molecular reactions.
2012/10/08 (Mon):

2012/10/10 (Wed):
2012/10/15 (Mon):

2012/10/17 (Wed):
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: Adapting LMS methods for solving DAEs (contd.). Stability. Stiff systems and the need for "large" timesteps. Stability regions of FE, BE and TRAP. Small-timestep errors of FE, BE and TRAP. Accuracy and truncation error. Starting higher-order LMS methods. Exactness constraints for LMS methods.
2012/10/22 (Mon):
  • 1-2:30: Highest-accuracy p=2 LMS method. Stability of general LMS methods. The stability polynomial. Best p=2 method unstable for any h>0. Large-sigma behaviour of the trapezoidal method; TRAP and DAEs. Notions of timestep control. Periodic steady state analysis of LTI systems.

2012/10/24 (Wed): MIDTERM EXAM
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: MIDTERM exam. Midterm solution/discussion.
2012/10/29 (Mon):

2012/10/31 (Wed):
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: AC sweeps. Transfer function eigenanalysis. Parameter sensitivity analysis of QSS/DC operating points. Linearization of parameter dependence. Direct and adjoint methods for computing sensitivities. Introduction to noise analysis. Intuitive notions of noise.
November 2012

2012/11/05 (Mon):
  • 1-2:30: Probability and random variables primer: Sampling a random variable. Histograms. From histograms to probability density functions. Gaussian and uniform distributions. Mean and variance derived from PDFs. PDFs of functions of RVs. Simultaneous sampling of several RVs - joint probabilities. Independence and correlation. Jointly Gaussian PDF.

2012/11/07 (Wed):
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: Stochastic processes primer: random variables as functions of time. Point-by-point and waveform ensemble views. Stationarity. Ergodicity. Stationary variance as average noise power. Autocorrelation function of a stationary stochastic process. Power spectral density. White noise. Thermal, shot and flicker noise. Propagation of stationary noise through LTI systems.
2012/11/12 (Mon): NO CLASS (academic holiday).

2012/11/14 (Wed):
2012/11/19 (Mon):

2012/11/21 (Wed):
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: Infeasibility of the CME for realistic problems. Waiting time probability to the next reaction. Propensity of the jth reaction after time tau. Next Reaction Index (NRI) and Time to Next Reaction (TtNR) as independent random variables, and their distributions. Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA). Sampling NRI and TtNR. Example: SSA on enzyme-catalyzed reaction system.
2012/11/26 (Mon):
  • 1-2:30: Computational macromodelling. The model reduction problem. Algorithmic macromodelling. Model reduction for LTI systems. The concept of moments and its importance. LTI MOR via moment matching. Efficient moment computation using a single LU factorization of G. Pade approximants.

2012/11/28 (Wed):
  • 1-2:30 and 4-5: Pade approximation. Computing the coefficients of the denominator and the numerator of the Pade rational function. Numerical conditioning issues. Why Pade approximants are better suited to DAE transfer functions than power series. From rational functions to companion form ODEs. Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation. Preview of Krylov subspace MOR methods.

2012/12/10 (Monday): FINAL EXAM 12pm-3pm; 293 Cory.